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Flood Claims – It is Imperative to Submit a Timely Sworn Proof of Loss

flood.jpgOne of the most important components of any flood claim is to ensure the timely submission of a sworn proof of loss. Flood policies typically impose a strict requirement that any sworn proof of loss must provided within 60 days. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that most litigation involving flood claims centers on whether or not the insured complied with the time requirements to submit a sworn proof of loss timely. Courts across the nation have uniformly concluded that an insured’s failure to comply with the conditions precedent to filing suit, such as the timely submission of a sworn proof of loss, will bar an insured’s ability to make a financial recovery under the policy. In other words, even though the insured paid thousands of dollars to buy a flood policy, if the insured fails to submit a timely sworn proof of loss, recovery will be barred. Moreover, an important component of the proof of loss requirements is that the insured is also required to furnish certain information to the flood carrier in support of the insured’s proof of loss. The documentation provided must strictly comply with the flood policy in order for the insured to make a financial recovery. Simply put, the insured must provide the insurance company with some means by which to verify the amounts claimed in the insured’s sworn proof of loss. And that documentation must also be provided timely, and at the time the sworn proof of loss is filed with the insurance carrier. With that said, the sworn proof of loss requirement has tripped up an astonishing number of claimants attempting to compensation for their loss. If suit is filed then the insurance company will file a motion for summary judgment arguing that the insured failed to comply with the policy terms. And more often than not, the insurance company will prevail at that motion for summary judgment thereby precluding recovery for the insured. With that said, contact us today to discuss your flood claim. —– EXTENDED BODY: Consider Your Options. Contact Us Today. Before opening our law firm in 2006, our attorneys worked for some of the state’s, and nation’s, largest law firms, and worked representing the insurance companies for years. Our attorneys are now uniquely positioned to use that experience to assist individuals and businesses alike throughout Florida with their insurance claims. As a result, our attorneys are well versed in the impact insurance has on businesses, condominiums, and individuals alike. Our insurance litigation practice group is prepared to tackle your insurance claim. Given our extensive experience litigating for, and against, insurance companies, our insurance litigation practice group is prepared to provide aggressive, efficient and effective representation on a broad spectrum of insurance claims in Florida for local, national, and international clients. We are prepared to advocate insurance claims at the pre-suit stage, trial, appellate and arbitration levels. Call us today toll free at 1-866-518-2913 or at 305-263-7700.

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